Breakfast Taco Recipe

¼ cup yogurt
Juice of ½ a lime
Squirt of sriracha
2 tbsp butter
1 egg per taco
- Warm the tortillas on a sheet tray in a 200-degree oven, however many you want. No judgements here. They can just kinda hang out in there while you get everything else ready.
- Mix about 1/4 cup yogurt with a pinch of salt, the juice of 1/2 a lime and good squirt of sriracha. However spicy you like it.
- Heat a skillet with 2 tbsp of butter over medium-high heat and fry a few eggs, one per taco. We like the edges pretty crispy, but it’s your call.
- While the eggs are frying, take the warm tortillas out of the oven and spread a little sriracha yogurt on top of each.
- Top each one with a fried egg, a pinch of salt, a little fresh cracked black pepper, some sliced scallions, jalapeño and a bunch of fresh cilantro leaves if you’re a fan.
Tacos for breakfast!